Paolo Conte
Sun, 10. Nov 2002, 8 PM | An Evening with...
With his 2002 album (and video) «Razmataz» Paolo Conte fulfilled a childhood dream: A blueprint for a musical, which is set in Paris in the Twenties. What fascinates the singing attorney and jazz fan so about that era? For him it is the time (and place) where Africa, America and Europe truly encountered each other for the first time – and which placed the foundation for the musical world between chanson, jazz and Latin American rhythms, in which Conte moves so supremely. Nobody is expecting Conte to put this musical integral on to the stage – but surely a large part thereof supplemented and spiced up with a few of his most popular songs from a career spanning more than forty years: «Gelato al Limone», «Comedi», «Sotto le stelle del jazz» …
Martin Schäfer