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Patent Ochsner at BALOISE SESSION 2002
  • Baloise Versicherungen
  • Basler Kantonalbank
  • Novartis
  • AMAG
  • SRF
  • Schweizer Illustrierte
  • Basler Zeitung
  • Basel Host City

Patent Ochsner

Sat, 31. Aug 2002, 8 PM | Expo - Carte postale
Hauptbühne, Artplage Biel-Bienne

In 2002, the Swiss national exposition took place in Bienne. In conjunction with this event, the music festival which later evolved into the ‪BALOISE SESSION, organized an event with Swiss rock pioneers Rumpelstilz, who took the stage in their original line-up exclusively for this concert. The Swiss dialect band Patent Ochsner opened the music night on the arteplage in Bienne. This event with 5,500 spectators went down in the turbulent history as the only “carte postale” at the Swiss exposition to actually come to fruition.

On the same evening

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