Amy Macdonald
Sun, 26. Oct 2014, 9.45 PM | Storytellers
Sometimes just two chords are all it takes to tell story. An authentic and emotional voice can often move the heart and soul more profoundly than the well-trained vocal instrument of an opera singer. Basel newcomer James Gruntz and the down-to-earth Scottish queen of pop Amy Macdonald meet as two artists with different backgrounds, but with the same driving force. He graduated from jazz school and she is self-taught. He is a fresh face in the scene and she is an international superstar, but both know how to move their listeners with seemingly simple songs like real storytellers do.
Zeno van Essel
Line Up
Artist | Instrument |
Amy Macdonald | Vocals, Guitar |
Shannon Harris | Keyboard, MD |
Mark Kulke | Guitar |
Mark Richardson | Drums |
James Sims | Bass |
Mon, 17. Nov 2008, 9.15 PM | Songs & Poetry
English Aus dem anscheinend unerschöpflichen Pool neuer britischer Singer-Songwriterinnen sticht die sympathische Schottin Amy Macdonald mit ihrer markanten Stimme und ihrem rauen Charme besonders hervor. In England ist die Doppelplatin-Gewinnerin bereits seit Anfang 2008 ein Star und in der Schweiz war sie seit April 2008 immer auf den ersten drei Rängen der Album-Charts anzutreffen.
Der talentierte Innerschweizer Singer-Songwriter COAL macht ehrliche Musik die berührt und hat mit seinem 3. Album «masquerade» ein wiederum facettenreiches und stimmungsvolles Album produziert.
Line Up
Artist | Instrument |
Amy Macdonald | Vocals, Guitar |
Adam Falkner | Drums |
Jolyon Dixon | Guitar |
Jamie Lloyd Sefton | Bass |
Shannon Harris | Keyboard |
Wed, 12. Nov 2008, 9.45 PM | Songs & Poetry
Emerging from the seemingly endless pool of new British singer-songwriters 2008, the appealing Scotswoman Amy Macdonald stuck out of the crowd with her distinctive voice and her raw charm. In England, this double platinum winner has been a star since the beginning of 2008 and in Switzerland she has been in the first three top slots on the charts..
Adam Green is more than a singer-songwriter with extraordinarily good songs and a great voice. He is an entertainer. After a relatively quiet period which followed the hype in 2004, he was back at the top of his form with his album «Sixes &Sevens» in 2008.
Matthias Wilde
Line Up
Artist | Instrument |
Amy Macdonald | Vocals, Guitar |
Adam Falkner | Drums |
Jolyon Dixon | Guitar |
Jamie Lloyd Sefton | Bass |
Shannon Harris | Keyboard |