Everything was great. Incredible crowd here. I have never played in that sort of set up before. It’s amazing. It’s a nice different vibe than any other gig we’ve been able to do. I really enjoyed it.

It was such a magical experience. I just felt safe and comfortable, and I felt like I was being listend to. And that is such a lovely thing as a performer.

If I could I would build one of these and do about 40 shows. I say I would be in this place and my lazy ass isn't gonna move, but you can come and see me.

Baloise Session, I love you so much, thank you so much for having us, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. … You've been fucking incredible.

I had the best time playing Baloise Session. I felt so truly honoured. Walking down the corridor and seeing all the great people who I am a massive fan of everyone who has played here.

It was really, really gorgious to perform Baloise Session. The crowd were incredible, room is beautiful and also it´s a big deal, you know. It´s nearly fourthy years since this is been happening, so many incredible artists.

I had a wonderful time. The stage, the sound, everything is great. The audience were immediately on their feet, reponsive.

It was lovely. It was wonderful. The crowd was really sweet. They had a great energy. Honestly it's just an honour to be in some place where you guys really appreciate music and art.

And yeah you got some great people on the line-up I am just glad I get to be a part of all of that to be honest. Good cast, good team.

It is a great festival because, like I say, you can just display your whole library of music, you know.

C’était incroyable! Cela a été un moment très particulier pour moi, mais aussi pour mon groupe. Ce sont tous des musiciens renommés, mais malgré tout, nous avions aujourd’hui réellement une appréhension et un grand respect de cette scène où tant de légendes grandioses ont déjà joué avant nous.